The Parish Magazine costs £1 per quarterly edition.
The magazine is available from Gosberton Post Office, Grange Farm Butchers shop, Gosberton Medical Centre, Gosberton Church, Gosberton Church Hall, Quadring Post Office and Clough Church Hall and your local magazine contact (shown on the inside cover). All the proceeds go towards publishing the next edition. .
To obtain your copy on a regular basis in the Gosberton area, please forward your name and address and £4 to Mrs Vicki Amies, 23 Churchfleet Lane, Gosberton PE11 4NE or contact her on 07932 691427 for more details.
You can email me articles and photos at any time or drop them through my letterbox at 61 Salem Street, Gosberton. If you need to phone me please call the church phone on 07803 875638.
Please let me have photos too. If you can’t email me a photo, let me have the original and I will scan it and let you have it back within a couple of days.
The deadline for the next edition is always published in the current edition.
Click here to read the current edition. This will open the magazine in a new window as a pdf, so the pages will not be in the same order as if you were reading a paper copy.
Debbie Reynolds
Community Magazine Editor
email: deborahreynolds365(AT - use the usual symbol)