Gosberton Womens Institute

Gosberton WI meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the Public Hall, with the new afternoon start time of 2 pm proving popular among members.

Since the last publication we have been busy with various craft activities; made our own members name badge, and entered the competitions for several different crafts, artwork, cakes, jams and chutneys.  It was amazing to see such lovely work from some very talented ladies.

At the October meeting we were pleased to welcome Steve Weatherby-Barton, the local Baptist Minister.  He gave a most entertaining talk about his life as a taxi driver in the south of England, how he met his wife Annie and how he came to his current post in Gosberton.

By the time this goes to press, members will also have enjoyed listening to Colin Young, Auctioneer & Valuer, talking about antiques at the Haven Group Meeting in Kirton.

Our November meeting will be another craft session - this time, learning to crochet with Eileen Johnson and also making Christmas Angels from pegs with Jeannette Webb, to adorn the tree we shall be decorating at the Methodists Christmas Tree Festival.

The December meeting on Tuesday 12th, will be a fun Christmas celebration with entertainment from Edwin Lunn and a festive buffet.

We do not meet in January, so the first meeting of the new year will be on 13th February when we will be enjoying some fun games of bingo.

Anyone who would like more information about WI can contact President, Rosemary on 01775 640573 or Jeannette on 01775 841779 for details.



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