Our Mission, Vision, Purpose & Values

The main altar


Our Mission Statement:

Healthy and growing churches often have a mission statement. We want your help to hear what you think God wants us to be and do.




This is where we have got so far…….

  • To give hope and a sense of value and purpose to everyone in our community
  • To reflect and show the love of God in all we say and do
  • To help people to survive in these ever changing and challenging times and to overcome problems and be encouraged
  • To continuously seek to improve our standards in all we do
  • To be good stewards of all we have
  • To help everyone to grow spiritually and live a healthy spiritual life
  • To be caring, joyful and generous in all we do


Our Values:

Our Church is an intentional community.

We believe that community is God’s design for human relationships, a place where people know your fears, failures, and dreams, but love you anyway.  In our increasingly fragmented and lonely world, community is God's tool for life transformation.  A community of faith is life-changing and healing. It’s in these sacred relationships and honest, loving communities that God transforms us.

Our Church is a bridge building community.

Our core values are sometimes considered unique in that we desire to bring together the mainstream Christian church with those that have been rejected, outcast and written off.  We value togetherness, unity, and healing wounded hearts.

Our Church is a welcoming community.

We realize that everyone is at a different place in his or her spiritual journey. God has not called us to judge others, but to accept them and welcome them. Jesus modeled this during his earthly ministry. We believe that life is lived best when experienced together, learning, growing, celebrating, and spending time with one another and that widening our circle to include everyone is an important core value.

Our Church is a grace community.

We believe that the emphasis of the Divine is one of love towards us as humans. We believe that grace -- unfailing, life-changing love -- is the most empowering element of our faith. We avoid legalism and remind people of Jesus' unconditional love.

Our Church is a healing and healthy community.

We believe that our respect for one another is paramount to our success as a faith community. We are to be a hospital for hurting and wounded people who are loved, nurtured and encouraged by an accepting, non-judgmental community.

Our Church is a mosaic of people.

Since community is about grace, labels are not part of our paradigm. At our church, we have tied ourselves to the story of the Divine found in Jesus, but we gladly welcome anybody among us regardless of creed, race, sexual orientation, or any other division that we humans like to divide ourselves into. We do this because we believe that this story is the most beautiful story possible, and that Jesus' message of love is bigger than our petty human divisions. You will find a diverse community here that values each others' differences as strengths.

Our Church is founded upon relationships.

Relationships are the most important asset that any faith community can nurture. Because they have an eternal dimension, relationships with others are infinitely more valuable than programs and materials. Relationships should always take precedence over busyness, numbers, and noise.

Our Church is committed to Jesus' ethic of love.

Sacred texts of our Judeo-Christian heritage, as well as sacred texts from other traditions can lead us in the way of love. So, we are committed to loving all people, and model that at our church regardless of where people are on their life journey. We do not insist upon an exact theological, political or social stance in our members other than being true in our following of the teachings of Jesus.

Our Church is committed to authenticity.

Striving always to be authentic Christians, we are willing to be open about our strengths and weaknesses. In life, we recognize that real people experience real problems, and, as authentic human beings, we strive to embrace each other and provide love and acceptance rather than judgment.

Our Church believes that every person has the capacity to serve.

We practice the truth that everyone is a minister by encouraging every member to find a place to serve whether it’s within the organization of our church or within her or his own communities of influence.

Our purpose and vision:

We exist to worship a loving God, to express that love in Christian Community, to draw people to Jesus, to build them up as his followers and to equip them for service for the good if the world.

We aim to be

  • A people celebrating what God has done in the past and alive to what he wants to do now

  • A people whose worship is marked by thanksgiving and joy for who God is, what he has done and what he has promised to do in the future.

  • A people where the traditional and the new are both valued.

  • A people who equally value the reality of God’s Love, the truth of his Word, and the life in his Spirit.

  • A people whose worship and life is a communal act in which all are involved and who know their need of each other.

We believe

  • That when Jesus said, “Come follow me,” it was an invitation to all, whatever our past, to get our lives in step with the God who made us, who loves us, and who desires the best for each one of us.

  • That it is in responding to Jesus’ invitation to follow him that we become fully alive, fully human, and receive the “full life” he came to bring.

  • That life is not meant to be lived alone, but in community, sharing our lives with others who have responded to the invitation Jesus has made.

  • In the reality of life after this life, of Jesus promise of eternal life to those who have walked with him during their time on earth.

  • That the coming of Jesus was the greatest event since creation

  • That he is coming again soon, and we want to be ready.


As Christians we believe Jesus is the Son of God and our saviour and our guide. We wish to follow Him to lead us out of the darkness of the world and into the light of God’s Kingdom.

As we pray, listen and respond we will trust God to send others to join us

What is God calling you to do?

We meet for worship in

St Peter & St Paul’s Church Gosberton

St Margaret’s Church Quadring

St Gilbert & St Hugh’s Church Gosberton Clough


Gosberton Group of Churches is part of
The Lincoln Diocesan Trust & Board of Finance Ltd.

Registered charity number 249355

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