Prayer Corner

Encouragement in prayer
Pray for our nation, those who work in hospitals, other health workers and care home workers. Those in the food industry and other essential roles including police, ambulance and other emergency service workers. For those who are hospital patients. Our teachers, parents and carers looking after children at home. Pray for our schools as they try and work through the enormous responsibility of having to re-open step by step whilst keeping all children as safe as possible.  Pray for our own community, the South Holland area and our own villages.  If you have any special prayer requests, including for personal reasons, you can contact me any time. I will keep all such requests absolutely confidential.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the bread of life and the one true vine. I believe that you are truly present in the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. I seek you. I worship and adore you. Since I cannot receive you in the eucharistic bread and wine at this time, I pray that you will come into my heart and soul, that I may be united to you, by your all powerful and ever present Holy Spirit. Let me receive you, and be nourished by you. Become for me the manna in the wilderness, the bread of angels for my human journey through time, a foretaste of the heavenly banquet and solace in my hour of death. I pray all this, trusting that you yourself are our Life, our Peace, and our everlasting Joy. AMEN                  (Copied from ) 

Peter and Irene invite you to visit their Blog website and add a comment if you wish. Do check on it regularly for new material. Peter and Irene hope and pray it will develop particularly as people send comments or ask questions.           


“ Forty Reasons to Trust the Bible" is a new book co-authored by Dr Martin Johnson, who often visits Gosberton and is known to some of you. We recommend this book (available on Amazon and from good bookshops) as a thrilling way to discover the Bible!” Click here to read more. Also available from the Vicarage at a discounted price of £10.


Remembering those who need help:
If you know of anyone in our community in need of help or who would appreciate  prayers for healing or encouragement, or simply a visit, whatever their circumstances, please contact Ian on:  ianrwalters(use the usual at symbol) 

Gosberton Group of Churches is part of
The Lincoln Diocesan Trust & Board of Finance Ltd.

Registered charity number 249355

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